Tuesday 8 December 2009

Messing Around

The boy loves his digger. He's been trying to move things around in the bucket - the phone was too big but bits of oatcake are just perfect and there's the advantage of being able to eat them too.

It's lovely seeing the changes in play and the development of his imagination. It'd be quite nice if he could do it without being physically attached to me though - he's usually either climbing on me or pressed up against me. This is not a boy who is passive in any way.

He's big into traffic jams and stacking and other ways to line up his cars. This was a new one though! And yes this is what a laptop screen looks like when you have a toddler.

The relationship between boy and bear is changing all the time. I'm not sure how much the dog likes the rough and tumble elements that have started to creep in though! This could be a hug or could be wrestling depending if you're the giver or receiver.

The dog puts up with it though if it means he can stay on the bed...

His treat of the week has been one of Matthew's old socks stuffed with yet more old socks. The house is now littered with bits of chewed sock.

There has been the odd case of doggie humiliation too along the way... (note the toe colours in case you can't see that he's wearing socks!)

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