Friday 11 December 2009


I've been doing some present making and had left my button jar on the sewing table so we had to play with it this morning. The last time we played with buttons he mostly wanted to just put them in his mouth and throw them around but he was happy looking at the colours today and doing a bit of sorting by colour. Well until he got bored and just went back to jumping on the mattress.

I've been doing some more freezer paper stencils and have fallen in love with a moose. I'm getting better at the cutting out which means I was able to use the moose both in positive and negative. This tshirt will eventually be for Isaac but he needs to grow a lot first! The same moose will appear on other tees at Christmas.

Tonight is the first night of Hanukkah and I made latkes for the first time. And then more importantly we had doughnuts for dessert! I have various recipes for doughnuts but there's only so much frying I want to do so they came from the supermarket instead.

Granny and Grandpa have bought the boy a Hanukkah set which has gone down a treat. We've been reading a couple of books in the last few weeks about the festival and so the boy was familiar with the dreidal and everything as soon as it came out of the box. Hanukkah Gelt is usually chocolate coins, I'm not sure they'd fare that well in a frying pan but hey he doesn't know that!

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